Global Partners

Missions at Compass Point

“Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19, NIV)

At Compass Point, we partner with people in our own congregation — and Christians around the world — to help fulfill Christ’s “Great Commission”. Every day, God is using our partners to change the lives of people around the world..

Our Global Partners

We partner with full-time vocational (and bi-vocational) missions leaders from our congregation who are working in Canada to grow Christ’s kingdom and to show God’s love through acts of mercy to those in need.

We encourage you to learn more about our Global Missionaries below:

Eleanor McAlpine

Wycliffe Translators, Remote to India

Rob & Debi Millar

Global Outreach Mission, Ireland

Murray & Kevin Scott

Transport for Christ, Russia, Zambia, Brazil, Tanzania

Mirek & Ewa Pieszka

Eurovangelism, Poland

Mark & Leanne Dartnell

SIM, Burkina Faso

Bhim Lal

Partners International, Nepal

Karmakar, A

Partners International, India

Branko & Rada Tihojevic

European Christian Mission, Serbia

Joseph Najem & Robert Dfouni

Partners International, Lebanon

Nicholas Narjinary

Partners International, India

Global Mission Spotlight

Gambade Medical Clinic

Gambade is a small village which sits in the rugged mountainous region of Grande-Rivière-du-Nord in Northern Haiti.  The nearest hospital is located 10 kilometers away in the town of Grande-Rivière-du-Nord. A larger hospital in Cap-Haitian is 37 kilometers away. While these distances seem small, the mountainous terrain around Gambade makes travel extremely difficult and hazardous. During the rainy season, roads are impassable, making it impossible to get adequate medical care…

Brad Klinck

Brad Klinck

Pastor of Mission and Mobilization

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