Local Partners

Missions at Compass Point

“Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19, NIV)

At Compass Point, we partner with people in our own congregation — and Christians around the world — to help fulfill Christ’s “Great Commission”. Every day, God is using our partners to change the lives of people around the world..

Our Local Partners

We partner with full-time vocational (and bi-vocational) missions leaders from our congregation who are working in Canada to grow Christ’s kingdom and to show God’s love through acts of mercy to those in need.

We encourage you to learn more about our Local Missionaries below:

Brent Klinck

Young Life, Canada

Amanda Devries

Eagles Nest, Ontario

Nathan Beresh

Young Life, Canada

Amy Veldhuis

Young Life, Canada & CPBC

Kristin Schut

Youth for Christ

Milka Melara

Young Life, Canada

Steve & Georgie Kearns

Athletes in Action, Canada

Local Mission Spotlight

Eagles Nest Waterdown

For more than 18 years Eagles Nest has been working in our community, equipping people with tools to create a healthier future. They work with individuals and families by helping to cultivate healthy relationships, navigate trauma and develop self-worth. Eagles Nest offers counselling, coaching and support programs to adults, youth and children. Their services are free or at minimal cost to help make them accessible to everyone.

Catch Up on our recent interview with Director Amanda DeVries here

Young Life

Since Young Life of Canada began in 1954, staff and volunteers have been leaving their adult “comfort zone” to meet teens on “their turf”. You will find Young Life leaders wherever kids are found… cheering in the stands at a hockey game, encouraging them in school activities, or hanging out at the nearest coffee shop or skate park . Young Life communities strive to create meaningful, mentoring relationships between leaders and teens and to create spaces where teens are listened to, and where questions of life and faith can be discussed.

Brad Klinck

Brad Klinck

Pastor of Mission and Mobilization

Have A Question About Missions? Let Us Know

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