Daily Podcast

Daily Reading

Romans Summer Series

How It Works:

Step One: Read The Daily Passages. You can download the whole reading plan below or follow along monthly. Each Bible passage below links to Bible Gateway link.

Step Two: Listen to our Daily Podcast. Subscribe to our podcast and listen daily. You can download the Spotify App and listen for free.

Step Three: Reflect On What You’ve Learned. Find a quiet spot. Talk to a friend weekly – however you are able to reflect on the passage that day.

Saturday Podcast: there will be no daily reading on Saturdays. Instead, enjoy an extended edition of our Podcast!

Daily Study

You can either download the whole Reading Plan here, or access the reading daily below, clicking on the links for Bible Gateway.

Week One Reading

Day One: Romans 1:1-7

Day Two: Romans 1:8-17

Day Three: Romans 1:18-32

Day Four: Romans 2:1-4

Day Five: Romans 2:5-16

Week Two Reading

Day One: Romans 2:17-29

Day Two: Romans 3:1-8

Day Three: Romans 3:9-20

Day Four: Romans 3:21-31

Day Five: Romans 4:1-12

Week Three Reading

Day One: Romans 4:13-25

Day Two: Romans 5:1-11

Day Three: Romans 5:12-21

Day Four: Romans 6:1-14

Day Five: Romans 6:15-23

Week Four Reading

July 25th: Romans 7:1-6

July 26th: Romans 7:7-25

July 28th: Romans 8:1-11

July 29th: Romans 8:12-17

July 30th: Romans 8:18-25

Week Five Reading

Day One: Romans 8:26-30

Day Two: Romans 8:31-39

Day Three: Romans 9:1-5

Day Four: Romans 9:6-29

Day Five: Romans 9:30-33

Week of Seven Reading

Day One: Romans 12:1-2

Day Two: Romans 12:3-8

Day Three: Romans 12:9-16

Day Four: Romans 12:17-21

Day Five: Romans 13:1-7

Week Nine Reading

Day One: Romans 15:7-13

Day Two: Romans 15:14-22

Day Three: Romans 15:23-33

Day Four: Romans 16:1-24

Day Five: Romans 16:15-27

Week Six Reading

Day One: Romans 10:1-21

Day Two Romans 11:1-10

Day Three: Romans 11:11-24

Day Four: Romans 11:25-32

Day Five: Romans 11:33-36

Week Eight Reading

Day One: Romans 13:8-10

Day Two: Romans 13:11-14

Day Three: Romans 14:1-12

Day Four: Romans 14:13-23

Day Five: Romans 15:1-6

Podcast Episodes

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