Summer Bucket List

Top Ten Book Suggestions

In summer we often have more time to relax with a good book. These recommendations come from other Compass Point women—consider checking out one or two that whet your appetite.

Perhaps you’d even like to pick something to read with a friend or small group and get together to discuss? We pray that these tools can help align your life to the way of Jesus!

On the Faith of the Next Generation

Faith for Exiles by David Kinneman and Mark Matlock. If you care about the next generation (and beyond) growing resilient faith, David and Mark go through Barna research highlighting five ways the new generation is following Jesus. There is so much hope in this book (something not often found in research about young people and the church).

We need to learn about the rapidly changing world they live in, so that we can reach them and meet them where they are, coming alongside them in their journeys.

On Seeing God in Ordinary Rhythms

Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren. Looking at the everyday, ordinary rhythms of our lives, and re-learning how we can see God in all of those plain activities like doing laundry, brushing your teeth, etc. Tish is a great author with a good sense of humour, and she doesn’t pull any punches.

On Using Technology Wisely

The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch. A fantastic little book for anyone who interacts with technology and wants to think well about how you and your family can (not abandon, but) use (and not be used by) technology. So much helpful guidance here, and lots of ideas to help you and your family (because it’s not just about your kids, but you too!) make wise choices about how you all use technology

On Busy-ness

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. In a culture where hurry and exhaustion are badges of honour, this is a call not to add something else to your to do list, but to a simpler existence….a rule of life that doesn’t actually require more time. John includes practices to help you start unhurrying your life. And from experience…”practice” is the right word…it’s not easy, or instantaneous, but it’s totally worth it.

On Living Like Mary not Martha

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver. This book offers many helpful scriptures and insight including strategies on fighting discouragement, finding God’s will, and making Jesus Lord. If you’ve ever tried to “do it all,” this book is for you. With a fresh approach to the familiar Bible story, this book shows how we can draw closer to our Lord, deepen our devotion and strengthen our service—with less stress and greater joy.

On Understanding the Bible

Charting the Bible Chronologically – A Visual Guide to God’s Unfolding Plan by Ed Hindson and Thomas Ice. Step into a different perspective of looking at the whole of the Bible and how over 300 passages in the Old Testament all lead to Jesus.  Great for visual learners with so many charts!


On Seeking God

Seeking God’s Face … Praying with the Bible through the Year by Philip Reinders. This book goes through the liturgical church calendar day by day with a verse of invitation, a Psalm, a Gospel passage, a couple of questions, a prayer, and a blessing.  You can take anywhere from five minutes to 1/2 hour to dwell on this end of day reflection that will bring you to a place of peace and rest. A great “nightstand” book to read before you go to sleep.


On Transformation

A-HA – The God Moment That Changes Everything by Kyle Idleman. Who doesn’t want an A-ha moment?  Moments that awaken us to a revelation or new insight.  Kyle’s book shows us that we can still have a-ha moments in our spiritual lives.  He shares examples and draws from scripture to show us three key elements to help bring us closer to God and change our lives for good, AWAKENING, HONESTY and ACTION.  Like the transformation of the Prodigal Son, life changing, destiny altering a-ha moments lead us back to our loving Father.


On Parenting

Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus by Elyse Fitzpatrick & Jessica Thompson. A great tool for parents to help guide our children to the God-given gift of grace.  The gospel should transform our lives as well as our parenting.  Give them Grace shows us a perspective on parenting that teaches us how to see the gospel in new ways, how to give our children grace freely and abundantly, pouring out the love of Jesus and learning to respond in obedience.

On Building a Christian Home


The Most Important Place on Earth – What a Christian Home Looks Like and How to Build One by Robert Wolgemuth. A Christian home is a place where everyone is honoured and made to feel special, where people create intentional, God-honouring habits.  This book is filled with stories and ideas of life experiences from the writer that will help you to see why a Christian home is different, special and precious.  This book offers wisdom and humor for your family to build a God-honouring family home, from greetings at the door, to doing dishes as a family.   Not only is it achievable but it is also something worth having.

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