
Be Part of the Community

Membership at Compass Point

Becoming a member of Compass Point is more than just having a piece of paper signed. It means that you are part of this community. YOU get a say in the vision and future and the direction our church. With your voice, we get to work together to create an even more amazing community.

We get that you have questions and you want to know a little bit more about us before making a big step.  We always think its better in person over coffee!

Give us a call at our office 905.336.0500 or check out some of our information below:

Membership Class

Sunday, June 2 | 12:00pm – 2:00pm


Membership is an important step in our faith journey where we choose to belong to our church family and to partner with others in the work we are doing.

This class will provide you with insight into who we are as a church, including what we believe, our plan, and how you can play a part.  It will also be a time to meet some of our leaders and ask questions to get to know us better.

Lunch will be provided

Become a Member

It’s actually very simple to become a member: it starts by filling out our Membership form and then emailing it to our office or dropping it off at our Connection Centre on Sunday.

We will then connect with you and set up a meeting with a couple of our elders. We’d love to hear your story, answer your questions and introduce you to who we are.

Why Become A Member?

Compass Point members have a voice in the affairs of the church, attend our business meetings and vote on key church decision and plans.

Membership is not required to serve at Compass Point, but it is required for many of our leadership roles.

Member meetings take place in June and November of each year. Members are expected to attend.

Fill out the Membership Request Form
We’ll send you our Membership Application Package

Have questions? Let us know: