What is Baptism
We were buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. ~Romans 6:4
At Compass Point we practice baptism by immersion in water as described in the New Testament. The word for baptism “baptizo” in Greek means: to dip, to plunge under or submerge. Baptism is an outward sign that something that has changed inside your heart because you have surrendered your life to God through Jesus Christ.
Baptism is a demonstration of your faith in Jesus Christ.
Commons Questions About Baptism
What is Baptism?
What does Compass Point believe about Baptism?
- We baptize people once they have personally chosen to trust in Jesus. This is called “Believer’s Baptism”, and it is how baptism was practiced in the Bible.
- Baptism is an external symbol of an internal change that has already taken place. It is the way Christians ‘go public’ with their faith.
- Baptism doesn’t save you or provide forgiveness of sins, only faith in Jesus can do that. The Bible is pretty clear on this one.
- All followers of Jesus should be baptized. This was Jesus’ expressed intent for his followers.
- We baptize by completely immersing people in water. The root word of baptism actually means to ‘immerse’ or ‘dip under’… so that is what we do.
When should I be baptized?
Why should I be baptized?
What if I have been baptized as a baby?
How will I know what to do?
We’ll meet a couple of times and make sure that you feel comfortable.
How Do I Get Baptized?
It’s easier than you think!
Contact Us! We want a chance to talk to you and find out a little bit more about you and answer any questions you might have about baptisms.
Email Pastor Brad Klinck: