What does it mean to Embody Jesus Everywhere?

Embodying Jesus everywhere happens when we each engage in our particular contexts to reflect the Kingdom and the King. Everyone one of us has an impact on the lives of others as they watch how we love and who we reflect. When people look at our lives, they should see Jesus.

We will mobilize each other to display God’s kingdom by serving needs in our region, and around the world, developing social initiatives, caring for the poor, advocating for the marginalized and sharing the good news with others.

Mobalizing our community to reach out to those in our surrounding communities who are going through difficult times and need some kind of help and support from others. 

At Compass Point Bible Church, we believe that community is not just about our church, but also about the people and places that surround us. 

We partner with full-time vocational (and bi-vocational) missions leaders from our congregation who are working outside North America or within our own community. We also partner with national leaders around the world who are helping build Christ’s kingdom in their own countries.

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions designed to spark great conversation. It is a safe place to explore and discuss these bigger questions of life and faith. It starts with a full home-cooked meal, followed by a video, and a conversation around the dinner table.

Brad Klinck

Brad Klinck

Executive Pastor of Mission and Mobilization

905.336.0500 ext 231

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