Summer Family Fun Nights

Fun Events every Wednesday

Join us for different events for the whole family. 

BBQ at 6:00 pm
Events at 7:00 pm

BBQ Dinner each week

Every Wednesday before the event starts, grab a $5 hot dog, which includes a bag of chips, pop and dessert.

Summer Kick Off!

Saturday, July 6th at 1pm – 5pm


We will be kicking off the summer with our annual Fun Fair! This event will include a BBQ, games, a Bouncey Castle and fun activities for the whole family.

No charge for the Fair. $5 for the BBQ 

Wednesday Event Line Up

BBQ 6:00 pm | Event 7:00 pm

Wednesday, July 10

Bubble Soccer

Bubble soccer will be played on our church’s property. There will be different sizes of bubbles available so that all ages can participate and enjoy. 

Wednesday, July 17

Disc Golf

Disc golf will be held on our church’s property. You and your family will have the opportunity to play on Compass Point’s 9-hole disc golf course. Discs will be provided for the night. 

Wednesday, July 24

Petting Zoo / Pony Rides

The petting zoo will include various farm animals. Additionally, there will be a reptile show at some point during the evening

Wednesday, July 31

Bike Fair

A fun event to help people learn about bike safety. It will feature a fun track to ride your bike around and a bicycle repair pop-up shop to teach proper bike maintenance.

Wednesday, August 7

Battle Archery/Bouncy Castle

Battle archery is a safe and fun way to engage with your family. It can be best described as a combination of dodgeball and archery. We also have a bouncey castle available too.

Wednesday, August 14

Craft Night

Craft night will feature a variety of crafts for families to do together. There will be activities suitable for all ages and interests. 

Wednesday, August 21

Water Night

This night will include a slip n slide, water games, water balloons, and other fun games. You will also want to join us for our 20ft water slide!

Bring your bathing suit and towels

Wednesday, August 28

Outdoor Movie Night

The movie night will be very similar to the ones we have run over the past couple of years. 

Movie TBA

Where Are We?

Compass Point Bible Church | 1500 Kerns Road
On the front lawn!

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