Ways To Give
Mail or Drop Off
We have a secure lock box at our front door, so you can drop off without contact. You can also drop off envelopes in our lobby into our Offering Drop Box.
Or drop off at our office:
Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 4:00 pm
Give Online
We have provided an easy way for you to online.
*For instructions on how to give online: Learn how here.
Complete the form below with a void cheque. You can:
Mail forms and cheque to our office or envelopesteward@compasspointbc.com
Text to Give
Text “COMPASS $[amount]” to 73256 to give using your mobile device. This number will never send unsolicited texts to you. To cancel further messages, text STOP.
If you need assistance with text giving, text HELP. Standard text message and data rates may apply.
how to direct your giving
- Unified fund
- 541 Eatery + Exchange
- Local food security
- Haiti Gambade medical clinic
- Capital renewal fund
Supports the ministry of 541 Eatery & Exchange, a division of Compass Point, operating in East Hamilton. Learn more about 541 Here
Supports the Compass Point Food Market and other local Food Security needs in Burlington. Learn more about our Food Market here
Supports work on the ground in Haiti. Learn more about the Clinic Here
Supports the technology and infrastructure projects throughout the building.
Questions about giving
Why should I give
Giving is an act of worship. It is a reflection of the state of one’s heart (Mt 6:21). Financial gifts are described as a fragrant offering, and acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God” (Phil 4:18).
Giving generously is a practical way to express our trust in God’s provision and blessing (2 Cor 9:10-11). It combats our human tendencies towards greed, control, comfort and convenience. It affirms our dependance on God, instead of our own self-sufficiency.
Giving is a mark of a disciple of Jesus. He expected, even assumed, it. Jesus says ‘when you give’ not ‘if you give’ (Mt 6:2,3). Giving is an essential, not optional, practice for those who follow Jesus.
Where should I give?
To the church? To missionaries? To the poor? To other charities?
In the Old Testament, a regular tithe was given to the temple and administered by the priests. On top of this, the Israelites would give offerings for other specific purposes at different times of the year.
The New Testament instructs followers to give specifically to those who lead the church (1 Tim 5:17-18), those who serve as missionaries (1 Cor 16:2), to those in need within the church (1 Jn 3:16-18), and to the poor and oppressed in the community (Mt 6:2). Money given to Compass Point is used for all of these things, in accordance with our annual budget and in alignment with our Christian ethics. For these reasons, we encourage people to first direct their giving to the local church.
Giving to parachurch or mission organizations, and charities that align with Biblical, Kingdom values, is also a great investment and way of honouring God.
Remember that our call to give is about letting go of our comfort and security and trusting God to provide, even more so than it is about where the gifts themselves are given. When in doubt, give.
Can I trust CP with my money?
This is a legitimate question. No one wants their donation to be wasted or poorly-managed.
At Compass Point we strive to be transparent and follow good financial processes. We want to earn and keep your trust.
Our annual budget is created by staff and volunteers, reviewed and compiled by our Operations Team, and then approved by our finance committee, board, and membership. Both our annual budget and our financial statements are always available to anyone who wishes to see them. If you want to see where your money goes, these documents will let you know.
If you have questions or would like to see some of these documents, please contact Barb at bengland@compasspointbc.com.
Isn’t CP just after my money?
No. We don’t want you to give out of compulsion, duty, or a pay-for-service mentality. We don’t want to manipulate or pressure anyone.
We genuinely believe that followers of Jesus are to give as an act of worship. We want to see all his followers experience the joy of giving. Giving with a cheerful heart is more important than giving to Compass Point.
We also believe that the church was God’s plan to share His message and love with the world. By giving to your local church, not only does your giving worship God, but your money gets invested in his plan to impact the world.
Should I give proportionally based on my net or gross salary?
The Bible really doesn’t address this question, but if you are asking it, perhaps reflect on why you might be asking it. Are you managing cashflow? Are you hoping to give less? How is your attitude towards giving?
Of course, there are two options. Some people choose to pay the government first. They give proportionally on their net income, then do so again on any tax refund they may receive.
Others choose to follow the Old Testament principle of giving one’s ‘first fruits’ to God. They give to God right off the top by proportionately giving on their gross income.
How much should I give?
There is no simple “one-size-fits-all” answer to this question. We are all called to give generously. Giving generously will look dramatically different for a single mother or a senior on a fixed income than it will for a CEO or the owner of a business.
While the tithe can be a helpful benchmark for some, don’t get stuck on it. For some, the tithe might be a good target to work towards. For others, it might be a great place from which to start. For others, a tithe might be a long way away from generosity. Again, don’t get stuck on the tithe.
As you discern how much you will give, perhaps spend some time in prayer and reflection. Are you giving generously, cheerfully, regularly, thankfully, sacrificially, and secretly? If not, why not? What element is missing? How might God have you respond?
If I don’t currently give, where should I start?
Again, these are not Biblical imperatives, but practical suggestions.
1. Start by setting a goal of how much you’d like to give. Maybe you decide you want to shoot for 5, 10, or 20% – whatever you think might be generous in your context.
2. Then start by giving something – regularly and proportionately. It doesn’t have to be a big number, but it is important to start. Maybe you start at 1% of your income, or a fixed amount each pay period.
3. Periodically consider what spending habits might change to allow you to progress toward your giving goal. Maybe you’ll choose to sacrifice a comfort or convenience to increase your giving.
4. If you receive unexpected income, like a raise, gift, inheritance, etc., intentionally consider how this might help you progress toward your giving goal. Maybe you’ll choose to give more.
5. Track some of these changes and decisions. You might be surprised at the joy this brings, and the way you see God at work during this season.
What If I have too much debt to give?
Debt can be crippling and be a result of things beyond our control. If you are tackling a mountain of debt, should you put giving on hold?
This issue is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ answer. Scripture is clear that we have a responsibility to pay our debts (Ps 37:21). It is also clear that Jesus wants his followers to give. Ideally one wants to create a habit of regular giving – even if the amount needs to be smaller for a while. Volunteering your time or skills may also be a way to contribute in other ways.
If I want to increase the effectiveness or creativity of my giving, what might you suggest?
There is a variety of ways you can choose to give. Some are a little more creative. Here are some ideas…
1. Automate your giving: If you know you want to give regularly, the easiest way to make that happen is to automate it. This can be set up online with a credit card, or via direct withdrawal from a bank account. About 1/3 of giving to Compass Point happens this way.
2. Giving stocks: Some people own stock that has appreciated in value. By donating this stock to a charity, you avoid paying tax on the capital gain when it is sold, and essentially the charity ends up with money that would otherwise go the government.
3. Asset-based giving: Some people choose to include churches, charities, and missions organizations as beneficiaries in their will. Not only does this benefit these organizations, but it speaks to next generation about the importance of giving.
4. Be intentional with unexpected blessings: When you receive an unexpected raise or inheritance, a new income stream or job, or a blessing that comes out-of-the-blue, you’ll spend time considering what to do with it. Intentionally include ‘giving’ as a possibility.