Sunday Service

Join Us!

Service time: 10:00 am (in person or online)

We are excited to offer two options at Compass Point. You can visit us In Person or watch our Live Stream online each Sunday morning.

Watch Sermons

We’ve offer both in person and online options each Sunday. If you are joining us online, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notifications when we are live. 

New Here?

Are you planning to visit us in person? We would love to have someone meet you at the door when you arrive, help you navigate the building and even sit with you!

Please visit our New Here Information page to learn more about us.

Get up to date information on what is happening around Compass Point, read stories of life transformation and learn about how we are making an impact in our community and the world.

We are located at1500 Kerns Road
the church with the green roof!