Rule of Life

Practicing the Way Course

Mondays, May 5th
7:00pm – 9:00pm

The Practicing the Way Course features eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises. It’s designed to get you started on the journey of spiritual formation, help you get unstuck if you’ve stalled out, or just guide you into taking your next step.

No matter where you’re at in your spiritual journey, this course should provide a helpful on-ramp to the spiritual practices and assist you in crafting a person Rule of Life that supports your life with God.

“Take heed, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things which your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life.” Deuteronomy 4:9

What is a Rule of Life?

A Rule of Life is a set of regular practices and relational rhythms that help us create space in our busy world to welcome and respond to Jesus. It is an invaluable tool to assist us in aligning our lives to the Way of Jesus.

The Latin word translated “rule” was originally the word for a trellis in a vineyard. A vine supported by a trellis is lifted off the ground, kept safe from predators and disease, receives adequate sunlight and, therefore, bears the most fruit. Similarly, followers of Jesus need a support structure that helps us to organize our lives around the Way of Jesus and allows us to flourish.

 In John 15, Jesus called this “abiding in the vine.” Another helpful image is that of scaffolding. As a structure is built, scaffolding allows each layer to be formed well and with much needed strength. In a similar way, a Rule of Life can become an exterior framework for an interior journey. Our lives are filled with all kinds of regular practices and relationships – habits that form and shape us into something.

The goal of an intentional, Spirit-initiated, Rule of Life is to create space for us to increasingly be shaped by the deep work of the Holy Spirit in us. It is not the end in and of itself but rather a tool to help us experience intimacy with Christ, something Jesus called “abiding.

Journaling is a great way to express your thoughts, keep track of learning and to even be creative. Watch our video on best practices for journaling.

How Do I Craft A Rule of Life?

When crafting a Rule of Life, keep in mind that it is important to start small and be as specific and realistic as you can. Start where you are, not where you think you should be. Consider setting aside some time to pray and listen to the Holy Spirit. Ask God to reveal a few places for you to lean into in the upcoming season.

Every person’s Rule of Life will be unique. One person’s Rule of Life might be in a spreadsheet, another’s drawn on a canvas. Feel free to make your own or do it together with your household or a group of friends.

Below, you’ll find some questions to help you get started:

Consider and Write....

Consider an average day, week, month or year and write down the things that you do repeatedly.

Make a list of the regular practices and relationships that you currently participate in (not last year and not the things you hope to do in the future, but right now).

Look over your list and reflect on what your current habits communicate to you about what you value. Is there anything that surprises you? If it’s true that we are all being formed and shaped by the things we do regularly, who are your current practices and relationships shaping you to be?


Ask: Is there a practice that would better support me in becoming this type of person? (Think in terms of the next 3-6 months)


Ask: What are one or two things I should stop in order to create more space to welcome and respond to Jesus? (Think in terms of the next 3-6 months)

Ask.....How Do I Feel?

Ask: How do I feel about the Rule of Life I’ve crafted on paper? (excited, overwhelmed, hopeful, etc.?) How confidant do I feel that I’ll be able to maintain the Rule of Life I’ve written for an extended period? Why or why not?


Next, reflect on the following question: “Who do I want to become?” Take some time to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in answering this question. Be as honest as you can. Write down any thoughts you have.

Ask......Practices and Rhythms

Ask: What are one or two practices or relational rhythms that would create more space for me to welcome and respond to Jesus? (Think in terms of the next 3-6 months)

Writing It Down

Choose a few of these practices and write them down (Feel free to use the Rule of Life chart provided). Remember to keep the following in mind: start small, be specific, be realistic.


Ask: What would be most helpful to enable me to maintain the Rule of Life I’ve written? What types of support do I think I’ll need? Who do I need to share my Rule of Life with?



For centuries, Sabbath has served as a regular practice for Christians who desire to align their lives to the Way of Jesus and experience what He called “rest for your souls.”


Jesus himself suggests that prayer is a powerful tool which can be used to experience the blessing, provision, and favour of God. 


We explore the spiritual practice of fasting and how it may be one of the best ways to integrate our entire person – mind and body – in aligning our lives to the Way of Jesus.


Solitude is a part of a necessary rhythm of retreat and return: retreat from people and distractions to be with God, in order to return to community in love and service..


Written over more than a thousand years, by dozens of different authors, in multiple languages and genres of literature — it can feel, at times, like a bewildering maze of history and poetry and laws and letters and more. 

Reading Plans

At Compass Point, we’ve curated a series of Bible reading plans that you can use to engage with scripture and apply it to your everyday life.

Chris Heise

Chris Heise

Executive Pastor of Spiritual Formation

905.336.0500 ext 273

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