An Interview with a Church Planter
You may know Claire from leading worship on Sundays, and Fidelis from his work managing our church finances. What you may not know is that together, Claire and Fidelis Odogbo, have just started a new church. On Sunday, March 5 they launched “Mountain Springs” in Stoney Creek.
This was a huge undertaking, born from a huge calling. I sat down with Fidelis to see what we might learn from their story.
Tell us a little bit about “Mountain Springs” and what started a few weeks ago.
March 5th was the culmination of a vision God placed in our hearts to come to Canada and plant a church. It was the realization of a dream to start a life-giving church that would give people the opportunity to have a unique expression and experience of church in their local community.
When did you first start thinking about planting a new church?
Many people think that this is something that started in the last 4 years, since we’ve been in Canada, but it actually goes back 15 years. That’s when it first started cooking in our hearts.
At what point did you start thinking that this was more than just a passing thought in your mind, but that there might be a unique calling on your life?
It has happened over time. In 2012, as I worked as a marketing professional, I admired my colleagues with smiles on their faces, enjoying their work, but that was not my case. I was just sitting there, watching the clock, waiting to get out of there. Like I was just there waiting to start my life. I longed to be something. I wanted to do something that I loved to do. I wanted to experience the joy of living, not just live a life where I was trying to make ends meet. That to me was the ‘Ah Ha’ moment that I realized that my portion in life was not in the corporate world, but in ministry, using the gifts and anointing God had placed on me within the church. So in 2014, I quit my job and started working for our church in Qatar. That was the start of living out this calling.

The Odogbo Family Clockwise from top:
Fidelis, Claire, Zoe, Stacey, Sophie
So, it started with a pervasive restlessness, and a calling towards vocational ministry in an existing church in Qatar. Then years later, you end up in Canada. How did God prompt you specifically to start a new church in the Hamilton area? I know that sometimes He speaks through scripture, dreams, wise counsel, circumstance, etc. How – very practically – has He spoken to you?
I have heard Him lead and prompt me in different ways. Sometimes it has been through dreams. Even since I was a little boy, I have had a recurring dream of setting up equipment before a large crowd. Putting a sound system together and getting it ready to go. Yet every time I have this dream I always wake up before anyone gets up to speak.

Mountains Springs Launch Team
Courtesy of Mountain Springs IG
At other times, it has been through circumstances or a word from the Holy Spirit. I remember the first time I was asked to speak in front of a large church. I remember sitting at my desk and trembling. How am I going to do this? I am a stutterer. I am reserved and shy. And I heard these words in my heart, “I have anointed you. You go out there open your mouth and I will fill it with words”.
Even to this day, any time I am preparing to get up an speak or preach to people I think about these words. I didn’t realize it at the time, but God says these words in the Bible.
That is incredible. I love hearing how God speaks – how He prompts and leads us each in unique ways, through unique seasons, and towards unique callings. And yet, I am even more amazed at your tenacity to follow his leading and obey his call. You and Claire both have full-time jobs, three young girls, plus you are working on your Masters in Theology in your evening and weekends. Any one of those competing priorities would have stopped many of us. What has helped you overcome these obstacles, and the many others that have no doubt arisen in starting Mountain Springs?
Whenever we’ve encountered obstacles – whenever we are tired – we come back to this point… “This is what God has called us to do.” If we are to do anything significant in our lives – it is going to be what He has called us to. Yes, we have jobs, family, aspirations – but being in the centre of His will is paramount. Yes, this requires sacrifice, but this is also what is most significant.
How have seen God show up in this journey? What new things have you experienced of him?
When we started, we had nothing – zero – nada – nothing going for us. Yet, only months later, we are seeing God’s hands in the lives of people. People who are willing to come alongside us in this work. People are rising up and embracing this vision. God has done something in their hearts. This is God’s provision, blessing and encouragement for us. At the same time, people have stepped in to support us financially – without us having to beg for money – God has prompted hearts. He has even brought people from the UK….from the US….from Alberta to support and encourage us. That can only be God.
It is great the way God has showed up through his people. Starting a church can’t be done alone. You are doing something really hard, but really important. How are you and Claire defining success?
For us, success is not what we become in the next 3 years – or 6 years – or 10 years -but instead is us staying true to our calling – true to what God has asked us to do. Success is consistency. We are not looking at the numbers, we are looking at our hearts. Will our hearts remain the same in the next 3 to 6 years? Will we still be pursuing what God has placed on our hearts? We want to obey God and trust him with the outcomes.

Mountains Springs Launch Sunday
We have so much to learn from you guys, in terms of hearing God’s voice and then radically obeying him. God’s not going to call all of us to start a new church, but He does have plans for each one of us. What advice would you have for those of us who want to remain open to what God might be saying to us – or prompting us to do?
I would say “know yourself.” Know who you are in Christ. And how God has made you as a person. There is something that God has placed on every Christian. Learn what He has for you. Learn your purpose. Do be shy about it. Then go and make it happen. And keep your eyes fixed on what he has called you to do.
What advice would you give to someone who has felt God prompt them towards something – maybe something that seems too big or hard?
Spend time with God. Be patient. But also, be willing to move. Take a step. Explore. Take some training. Go to a conference. Sit under a mentor. Try something new. There is a time to wait, but there is also a time to move.
Thanks Fidelis for sharing your story, your wisdom, and for your tenaciously following God. You and Claire are an inspiration! We appreciate you, are cheering you on and of course are praying.
Mountain Springs Church
Meets at the Cineplex Cinemas on the Hamilton Mountain
@ 9:30am Sundays.