Support For Parents
Are you a parent who is struggling to navigate the mental health system for your child? Today we look at specific resource in the Halton area that can be a support for you and your family.
The Family Care Centre by Parents for Children’s Mental Health (PCMH) and Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) is a resource hub for parents and caregivers whose children have mental health challenges.
Below we talk to one of their Peer Support Leaders, Chrystal Becker, part of our CP community and has recently started a peer support group here at Compass Point. We ask Crystal what led her to this amazing organization and what the support group is about.
We asked Chrystal how she became involved in Parents for Children’s Mental Health (PCMH) and why is it important to our community at this time?
I became involved with Parents for Children’s Mental Health (PCMH) and peer support because I have been receiving it for the past 6 years. It has been life saving for me. I started attending the PCMH support group as well as receiving peer support through Caroline Families for Families and ROCK, as I was navigating the system for my oldest son who was experiencing mental health challenges.
At 11 he was inpatient at a child and youth inpatient unit, I was travelling out of province for my youngest son’s physical disability treatment and I felt overwhelmed and was running on empty. Talking to others that are walking the same walk is so important in not feeling alone; finding hope, when feeling hopeless. Like a big breath of fresh air “ok, you have made it through something similar, so can I”, so to speak. Parent/caregiver resource sharing has also been very helpful in finding what worked for our family.
I believe that God wants us to use our stories for a greater purpose. My missing component in everything was my faith. As I struggled with finding all the answers, I did not take time to tend to my own needs. God reminded me that I am a child too and I have needs and He is there to provide. I was running on empty and pouring from an empty cup. He has been able to be my neverending confidant in everything and over time opened me up to being able to experience joy amidst the struggles.
This year the Burlington PCMH lead needed to take a step back and I felt it was my time to step in. Peer support connects us all on that very human level. Being seen. Being heard. Being a part of wellness and recovery for not only yourself but for others. At this time in our community we need human connection. Isolation has many of us experiencing so many things on a different level and unknown territory. What better way is there, than to come alongside one another with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. You are not alone.
Joining a monthly support group you can share if you want to. You can just come and listen. You can come and ask questions or look for resources. Sometimes we have local support agencies or organizations come in to explain what they provide and answer questions. PCMH can be that safe landing space to be seen and heard and hopefully, find what it is you’re looking for to help you continue on, one day at a time. For resources on recognizing when your child needs help, the parent survival guide, tips for managing crisis, or the school mental health backpack please follow the links below!
Parents for Children’s Mental Health (PCMH)
Burlington Peer Support Chapter:
Evening meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 6:30p m to 8:00 pm.
In-person: The Hub in Compass Point at 1500 Kerns Rd Burlington (upper level, main entrance doors)
For more information please contact burlington@pcmh.ca
Our Burlington FB support group link is: https://facebook.com/groups/1259864547820053

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